The value of money
Money related math
Checkbook management
Responsible cash management
Consequences of behavior
What's Included?
- Cash Box
- Money Manager "bucks"
- Coins
- Student Pouches
- Checks
- Transaction Registers
- Deposit Slips
- Checkbooks
- Pre- and Post- Tests
- Hundreds of Worksheets
- Digital copies of laminated originals
- Open/Closed Store sign
- Policy Signs
- Student Contracts
- Training DVD
- ...and more
Money Manager has eliminated 99% of our behavior problems within the third day of use. Students who behave well are paid for good behavior. Now everything we do relates to the students' sense of money and real world.
Students pay for the rental of their desk space, bathroom breaks, electricity, water and telephone. Periodically, we even have a tragedy (hospital visit or car repair) a random student must "pay" for. Students are rewarded for good manners and docked for bad manners. We have added Money Manager to our class Workability I Program and the work as if the two programs were made for each other.
Teachers love Money Manager as the rewards are immediate, discipline is simple and makes sense to the students. The program comes complete and ready-to-go! Students particularly love the days when they can purchase for the "store". Our Parents love Money Manager because their child is learning math, economics, responsibility and are passing the class without the parents' pestering. Most of all, we all love Money Manager for the fun atmosphere it creates in our classroom.
Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. Erbe
Hesperia Jr. High School
Hesperia, California